Saturday 24 September 2016

Thriller sub-genres

Thriller sub-genres
This is a good combination as the action is great for creating suspense. This is an advantage of having action as a sub-genre as the violence creates a tense atmosphere and usually connotes death. This keeps the audience on the edge of their seats which is a main goal for a thriller making this combination great.

The suspense created comes from the journey of finding evidence and stopping the criminal who was always one step ahead at he last moment this is always a good combination as the genres complement each other and both meet the initial ideas meant for the genre to accomplish. These would typically be from the criminals point of view.

These are usually based in a courtroom. This means the suspense created is from the flashbacks and facts presented within the courtroom. This means the sub-genre compliments the thriller genre as it still keeps the audience on the edge of their seats in a unique way.

The plot line follows a typical thriller’s tension, suspense, and excitement, but a main element is the growing relationship between two characters.This still makes the atmosphere needed for  thriller as the events happening between the characters is where the audience is drawn in from and becomes attached to.

Characters usually contain some powers of different kinds. This plays with the fears in peoples heads which is really effective to create the atmospheres needed for a successful thriller.

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