Wednesday 14 September 2016

Conventions of a thriller film

Conventions of a thriller film
Some of these conventions are needed for a thriller and are always involved such as the shaky camera. This is done to create an atmosphere of tension which helps to draw in the audience which helps to make the film more successful. The lighting also adds to this atmosphere as the darkness creates an ominous atmosphere and the darkness connotes death. This keeps the audience on the edge of their seat which is also a convention of thrillers.
  • Camera shakes
  • low lighting
  • shadows
  • diegetic sounds (breathing)
  • dark music to make audience feel uncomfortable
  • forest or deserted environment
  • death
  • psychopathic characters
  • weapons
  • crime

these pictures are not mine they were found of google
  • Now You See Me; the suspense of the situations and the way they with the tables all the time.
  • Jason Bourne; the mystery as he does not know who he is and who is chasing him.
  • The Hateful Eight;As they are 8 dangerous westerns who hate each other the room is always filled with suspense as all have weapons and are ready to kill one another.

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