Monday 21 November 2016

Target audience questionnaire

Why do you watch thrillers?
I watch thrillers for the suspense they cause me. I watch them to see plot twists and for the excitement of the unknown and the surprise when i find out. Also it it because they are great to keep me entertained and stay focused on the film.

What is your favourite thriller and why?
My favourite thriller is "I legend". This is because it contains everything a thriller should: a plot twist, a good ending although unhappy and the suspense.

What do you want from a thriller that hasn't yet been done?
I want it to have a sad ending where the protagonist does not succeed and it shows a time skip to show how the world has turned out.

What causes the most suspense in a thriller for you?
When everyday objects are turned into something that makes me feel uncomfortable. This is because it is very relatable and i find it amazing how a kettle whistling for example can me me jump out from my seat.

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