Saturday 19 November 2016

Lighting analysis


Lighting can affect the scenes effect and the suspense a scene will create. This is because the lighting will only allow us to see some things of a character ad may hide and object that looks like a knife but ends up being a flower.
For example in this picture it shows someone surrounded by what looks like torn up bodies and
sharp objects on the end of his fingers. The low-key lighting example shown here allows the audiences imagination to  run wild and is great in horror movies as it easily creates suspense and entices the audience.

High key lighting gives a more angelic effect and  shows more of what is going on. This is done to create an atmosphere of happiness as the truth is not hidden and it shows exactly what the character thinks about what is going on as their body language and facial expressions are not hidden.These are effective in romance movies to help show how they feel about each other.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              These are two common examples of how lighting is used for effect. However there are rules to lighting such as the standard 3 point light.
This is used to make a clearly lit scene where the audience can see everything that is happening clearly and links to the effects of high key lighting. Turning off certain lights in this basic set up can create different effects. For example the fill light is less intense than the key light, however is used to lessen the contrast and shadows surrounding the object. The back light is used to create a silhouette effect and seperate subject and background to show depth. The key lioght is just meant to illuminate the main subject so they can be seen clearly on camera.

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