Monday 9 January 2017

audience research

This is a survey i created on survey monkey. I sent this out to our target audience and this is just one of the responses received. Based off the results we tried to include their why and make improvements based on their opinions. 


The last 10  seconds of the video was cut by youtube when uploaded which means Caleb's dialogue and mine weren't included. The dialogue was
Caleb: Did you do the homework.
Khaleem:oh sshhh...

Thursday 5 January 2017

One of the filming locations

This is the forest where the group of teens will get chased and be the locations of the flashbacks. This fits in with what the scene we imagined. This is because it is muddy and has lots of trees to make it look like a forest. It also creates a suspensful atmosphere to help to intrigue the audience while almost exactly matching my amanita scenery.